Meet Lorelei

(also known as Sweet Lorelei, Baby Belvin, Pea Pie)

Lorelei is 6 months old

Lorelei is 6 months old

Well, I missed Lorelei's 5 month update because we were so busy with unpacking. By the time I remembered to do it, it was time to write the 6 month blog. Looking back, it's been nearly 3 months since my last post. Holy crap the time has flown by! Moving was pretty...

Lorelei is 4 months!

Lorelei is 4 months!

Our sweet girl has had a huge growth spurt recently. It seems that all of a sudden she is super noisy:   She has been talking SO much! And smiling even more. She is seriously one of the smiliest babies...

Lorelei Marie- 3 months

Lorelei Marie- 3 months

Our big girl is 3 months old! We've had so much going on with the move that we haven't taken any decent photos. But luckily, I have remembered to take photos and videos with my phone... though some of my videos are vertical because of snapchat. It still gets the job...

Lorelei Marie- 2 months

Lorelei Marie- 2 months

Our sweet Lorelei is already 2 months old. It's going soooo fast. This sweet baby loves tummy time and holding her head up. She's rolled over a few times from tummy to back, but never when I have a camera available, of course. She coos so much and loves to have little...

Lorelei Marie- 1 month

Lorelei Marie- 1 month

Lorelei is one month old today. I know I'm constantly complaining about how quickly time seems to be moving, but holy crap. It's moving at warp speed with baby #3. I just wish I could slow things down a little. This sweet girl is really starting to develop a little...

Life with a little sister: Week 4

Life with a little sister: Week 4

This week was significantly better than last in terms of my mental health. I only cried a handful of times versus last week when the crying was pretty much all the time. We even survived a couple of outings- we had a midwife appt. Ms. Lorelei is up 2 whole pounds from...

Life with a little sister: Week 3

Life with a little sister: Week 3

This was my first week alone and holy crap... it was a tough one. The beginning of the week started out fine. I was able to keep the boys entertained while Lorelei slept... because she sleeps a lot during the day, but not so much at night. I feel like no one was...

Life with a little sister: Week 2

Life with a little sister: Week 2

Week 2 was more of the same from week 1. Lorelei and I spent more time up and around the house. And we had a couple of family outings because I was starting to get a tad bit stir crazy. Our first outing was to Kid2Kid and Target. We got to use our MobyWrap for the...

Life with a little sister: Week 1

Life with a little sister: Week 1

Sweet Baby Belvin was born 3.14.2016 at 11:04am. You can read her birth story here (when I actually post it). The first week was a total whirlwind. Reflecting back on it now, I can't believe it's over. I can't believe that my sweet baby is already a week old. I've...