Our big girl is 3 months old! We’ve had so much going on with the move that we haven’t taken any decent photos. But luckily, I have remembered to take photos and videos with my phone… though some of my videos are vertical because of snapchat. It still gets the job done…



Our little baby loves to smile and coo and she’s starting to imitate our mouth movements. Her little face is so expressive. She can give a good scowl when she’s confused or angry– the little brow furrowing is quite possibly the cutest thing ever. She also gives huge, dimply smiles when she’s happy–like, when she sees Mommy, Daddy or one of the boys.



She’s starting to sleep through the night. Right now we’re getting 5-7 hour stretches. I’m hoping that continues through the move and we don’t have any regressions. *fingerscrossed*

Have I mentioned how much this baby loves to talk?…


She also loves to look at herself in the mirror.


She’s really starting to explore her body. She loves sucking on and playing with her hands and pressing her feet together. She will grab onto anything that you put near her hand– she’s got a firm grasp!

Oh, and she loves her Grandma.


<3 <3 <3