Our sweet Lorelei is already 2 months old. It’s going soooo fast. This sweet baby loves tummy time and holding her head up. She’s rolled over a few times from tummy to back, but never when I have a camera available, of course. She coos so much and loves to have little conversations with us. She is very observant… is constantly looking around and when she makes eye contact with you, she’ll give you a huge grin and a glimpse at her sweet little dimples. She’s laughed a couple of times, but just little chuckles. We haven’t gotten a huge belly laugh yet. Yet. I can tell that it’s in the works. Sometimes it’s like she’s just on the verge of cracking up. We *are* hilarious around here.




We had her 2 month check up! She weighs 12lbs 11 oz– 75th percentile for weight! and was in the 90th for height.



We just love this little snuggler!
