This week was significantly better than last in terms of my mental health. I only cried a handful of times versus last week when the crying was pretty much all the time. We even survived a couple of outings- we had a midwife appt. Ms. Lorelei is up 2 whole pounds from birth. She’s now 10lbs 10 oz! We also went to visit a new chiropractor. Lorelei has been having some tummy issues and our midwife suggested a chiro. Honestly, I was skeptical at first, but in the afternoon after her adjustment, she had 3 huge poopy diapers. She then started sleeping better at night. Instead of waking every hour grunting and having gas pains, she starting sleeping 3-4 hours at a time! Our chiro is my new favorite person in the world! Also, for the record… a newborn adjustment is NOTHING like an adult adjustment. It was more like a little baby massage. And Lorelei acted like she was in heaven the entire time…



Now, if we could only find a cure for her purple crying in the evenings. D:

The rest of the week was spent getting ready for tax day. Now that we have a business, there is so much more that we have to do. After our tax appointment was over, we took the kids out to dinner and to the nickel arcade to celebrate.



Logan singing to Lorelei


Baby smiles