Meet Logan

(also answers to Logue, Lou, Logie)


Logan is 7!

Logan is 7!

The last photo of my Logan as a 6 year old. Of course he is sleeping face down... but that's okay because that's how he sleeps. I'm actually surprised that his head was above the covers at all! He's usually snuggled down pretty good, especially in the wintertime. ...

Logan lost his first tooth!

Logan lost his first tooth!

Today, at the ripe old age of 6, Logan lost his first tooth! I knew that it was coming because the tooth had been hanging by a thread, so we took a few photos of his sweet little smile before he got his first hole.        Then Logan decided to let Chris...



Our field was full of dandelions this year so we HAD to use the opportunity to take pictures. Lots and lots and lots of pictures.... and yes, I probably could have narrowed these down a bit more, but I didn't want to.

Logan is 6

Logan is 6

This. Kid.     Somehow I blinked and my little baby is now a boy. A hilarious, kind, and curious boy. This is his last photo as a 5 year old... sleeping on a pallet on the floor of my room. He has had some anxiety issues at night-- he's worried that someone...

Playtime with Logan has changed.

Playtime with Logan has changed.

I've noticed a huge change in Logan's play over the last couple of weeks. He has always been a very active kid. His play usually consisted of pushing, pulling, riding, running, jumping... etc. He has always craved lots of big gross motor movements and proprioceptive...

A cloudy morning

A cloudy morning

It was a super overcast morning so we took advantage of nature's softbox and snapped a couple photos of the kids. Well, the kids that were willing to participate. Atticus was too busy watching his Sunday morning cartoons, lol.   

Logan’s 5th birthday

Logan’s 5th birthday

Like I mentioned in my last post, poor Logan has been sick with a really nasty tummy bug. And today, his 5th birthday, Atticus and Lorelei started puking too. Logan has spent most of the day crying, wanting to know why everyone is sick on his birthday. My poor guy! In...

On the eve of Logan’s 5th birthday…

On the eve of Logan’s 5th birthday…

What a horrible birthday it has turned out to be for my sweet *almost* 5 year old boy. Logan has been sick all week with a nasty tummy bug. He even had to go to urgent care earlier in the week because he was so dehydrated and could not stop puking. They gave him IV...

Logan is 4 1/2.

Logan is 4 1/2.

Our oldest dude is 4.5 years old today. Four and a half years ago today, this kid made me a Mom. Four and a half years ago today, my life was changed. Forever. Everything changed. From my body, to my soul. I am a different person. He (and then the arrivals of his...