Last week, I took the boys up to a farm in Sanger to pick blackberries and they had so much fun! Afterwards Chris and I were talking about how cool it would be if there was a farm where we could pick blueberries since that is their absolute favorite. Then, last Sunday morning after breakfast, I was enjoying my coffee and scrolling through Facebook when I noticed an acquaintance posting photos from a blueberry farm. Thanks, universe!  It wasn’t close (Rockwall), but we decided that we should make a trip out there, and I’m so glad that we did! The farm is called Blase Family Farm and they open up for picking blueberries each spring and a pumpkin patch in the fall. There was a fun little trail that you have to walk along to get to the blueberries that the boys really enjoyed exploring.

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When you get to the clearing, you are greeted by row after row of *organically grown* blueberry bushes. While we were out picking, it started to rain. Not a full on thunderstorm– just a nice summer shower. It was actually pretty refreshing!

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Sweet little Atticus just loves blueberries so much that he kept eating any we put in his basket. I would literally dump a couple of handfuls in and they would be gone the next time I went to add berries.

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Logan tasted some berries, too. Actually… why lie? We *all* ate berries while we were picking. They were just too good!! We ate so many that when we went to pay, we told the owner to add an additional pint on to our tab.

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It was just so relaxing to be out in nature picking blueberries in the rain. It was such a peaceful, cleansing experience. I took my shoes off just to soak it all up and feel the earth beneath my feet.

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We picked for about an hour and got 8 pints (paid for 9 since we basically ate one while picking!). We snacked on them once we got home and then I got them prepped and ready to freeze.

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Since we were in Rockwall, we went by BassPro and then met my family for lunch at the Saucer. The boys liked riding on the boats and checking out the giant fish in the tank.

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When we got home, the boys played in their pool while I tended to our garden. We’ve actually been able to keep up with gardening this summer (so far!) and have gotten a few tomatoes with some more on the way… and a couple of peppers. In previous years, we’ve always had issues with pests and/or our plants flowering, but not getting pollinated. This year, I planted marigolds in the garden alongside our fruits, veggies, and herbs and we’ve had much more success. So much so that we are in the process of expanding the garden! I’ve also just put in another flower bed that runs along the left hand side of the yard. It’s going to be our butterfly garden!

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While I was gardening, the boys played in the pool… naked, lol.

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Logan went down this slide so many times that his little bottom was bright red when we went inside!

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