Our sweet Pea-pie turned one year old on 3/14– did you realize that Pea-pie was born on Pie Day? Well, she was! Which is why her nickname “Pea-pie” is so funny to me!

Anyway, Lorelei’s day started like every other–snuggling with brother while Mommy sneaks out of bed for a cup of coffee. These two snuggle bugs keep me warm (and touched out!) all night long. As much as I hate being touched out, I know that these days are fleeting and I try (really, really hard) to snuggle them fiercely because I know that one day they will be done with snuggling me. *sobs*



Enough of that sappy stuff… Lor’s birthday theme was flowers and dinosaurs! Because what girl doesn’t love flowers and T-Rexs? Julie designed all of her paper items for the party (invites, favors, labels, etc) and she did such a great job! Having her help with that really lifted a weight off my shoulders! For food, we followed 1st birthday tradition and had fajitas with guac, salsa, chips, etc. Lorelei even got the same cake as her brothers’–except Pea-pie had an awesome flower-laded T-rex atop her cake.


We tried to get a few shots of the birthday girl. She was not interested in having her picture taken.


My favorite part was the party favor– a little packet of wildflower seeds!


Pea-pie didn’t know what to think about everyone singing to her. And she was not all that impressed with the cake. She did, however, really enjoy the fruit on the top of that cake. Big surprise!!


My sweet baby says, “What is this sweet stuff? Give me all the salty crunchy!!!”


These two…


Lorelei’s invite said not to bring gifts. But I am surrounded by people who cannot follow instructions. It’s okay, I guess… she really enjoyed all of her gifts.


The kids (and gramps!) worked on catching crawdads in the creek–and then we made them battle each other. This one armed dude was pretty tough!


Happy first birthday my Pea-pie! We love you very much!