So, I’ve been away for so long that the layout of my blogging site looks completely different and it’s taken me forever to even figure out how to do this. I keep telling myself that I will get better at documenting… since I did so well with capturing Logan’s first year, I feel like Atticus is getting the shaft. BUT, dude… there’s just not enough time in the day. 🙁

Enough with the feeling sad about my lack of updates. Let’s talk about what’s going on right now! Atticus is 9 months old today. Nine. Months. Old. How in the world did that happen?! He’s SO big.

He crawls (FAST!) all over the place and cruises when he has something to hold onto. When he stands up, he will often let go and just stand there a few moments before he falls to the ground and takes off crawling. I am so not ready for him to start walking.

We introduced foods slowly over the past month and he’s not too sure how he feels about them. At first, he hated all food and would barf if anything even touched his mouth, but we are slowly getting there. He’s our sensitive little guy… we’ve been doing a combo of BLW (with only fruits and veggies) and some purees to get him used to both textures and tastes. 

We’ve heard a few words over the last month or so. Momma, Dadda, bye… nothing consistent, though. He’s been waving and clapping for a while now. And he just started dancing when music is playing. It’s probably the cutest thing in the whole entire world. He just bobs up and down when you sing or play a song. 

Atti’s favorite toys are any that Logan is playing with… or any that he can put in his mouth and chew on. He loves his brother…. or Brudder, as we call him. He loves to watch Logan play and has just started trying to join him when he’s doing something fun. 

Personality-wise, he’s still a laid back kid. He loves to snuggle (and nurse!) and give kisses when you ask for them. He’s super smiley– so much so that I think that might wind up being a nickname since Logan now calls him Smiley. 🙂

Here’s a photo from dinner this evening. He had some avocado, sweet potato, and spaghetti squash. 



And then there’s this guy… who is amazing that I can’t even handle it. But his update will have to wait because it’s bedtime and I’m being called to read him stories and hold his hand. <3
