Atticus’ birthday fell on a weekend this year so we were able to celebrate with our family on the actual day! I love when that happens! Our tradition of the birthday kid waking up to decorations lives on… 



And since Daddy was home, we got to open presents first thing! Big brother was SO excited, haha.



And yes, I wrapped his gifts in Christmas paper with the white side facing out. I’m frugal like that….

Actually, this is what happens when you wait to the last minute to wrap the gifts and are too lazy to run to the store to get birthday paper/bags. Thank god I’m a hoarder and save all my wrapping paper and have a huge collection of ribbon.



They were both super excited about the Incredibles Lego game!



Atticus was also super excited about getting a space puzzle. He’s so good at puzzles!



*I* was super excited about this gift because I have been wanting a set of magnetic building tiles for a while. The kids were less enthused at first and I was a little sad that they weren’t jumping for joy. (When we go to museums, they usually love to play with them.) BUT in the weeks following Atti’s birthday, they have played with them just about every day. We incorporate them into our school day and they are great for building and keeping little hands busy while I’m doing our read alouds.



Of course, the most exciting gift of the day was the video game. They had to go play immediately. 



While they were playing, Momma and Daddy made Atti’s birthday breakfast. He requested pancakes, sausage AND bacon, and fruit.



Later that day, Nana and Pop Pop came over. They brought the birthday boy pizza and birthday cake!



I love how Logan feels like he needs to help every step of the way.



Oh, Atticus. This smile of his… the curled under top lip, super forced smile… popped up a few months ago and it just won’t go away. Every now and then I can get a genuine smile from him but it always somehow morphs into this one. It almost looks like he’s in pain, ha ha.

ALSO… it’s December as I’m blogging this, so it’s been a few months since these photos were taken. We have since started redoing our living room and these photos are reminding me of how freaking awful it used to be. We still have my badass rug, but got a new TV and completely changed that wall. Anyway… just interesting to see as I go through these.



Nana and Pop Pop brought clothes for all the kiddos from our Granny and Pawpaw in Mississippi. 



My tiny book worm. She’s always looking for an adult to read to her.



The boys insisted on putting together Atti’s awesome birthday present immediately!



That book worm back at it…



After all the racetrack building, we headed to Nana and Pop Pop’s church for their Fall Festival. 



Super sweet best friend brothers. <3



There were bounce houses, zip lines, obstacle courses, rock climbing… SO much fun!



The boys couldn’t break themselves away from the fun long enough to get their faces painted, but Lorelei was really excited about it!


What a fun (and exhausting) day!