This goose of mine turned 4 years old on October 21st. *sobs* How did 4 years fly by in the blink of an eye? I remember his birth day like it was yesterday. Leaving to go get Mexican food for lunch and stopping by the birth center to check in… and finding out that I was 7 cm dilated and in labor. Wow. What an easy, fast entry to this world. 

My sweet Atti-Goose. This kid is hilarious, like his Daddy. He’s always looking to get laughs out of people. He’s a snuggler. If he doesn’t get his morning Mommy snuggle, his whole day is thrown off. But he’s very much like a cat in that he has to be the one to initiate the affection. He’s bright, curious, and super smart. He loves to create and build with Legos. Sometimes he disappears into his bedroom and I’ll find him building rockets or planes. He loves stories, whether they’re from a book, a podcast, or something made up from the top of my head. At bedtime, I often hear “Mommy, ask me a story.” He still loves super heroes, though his true love seems to still be Batman. His favorite color is blue and his favorite number was 3 until he turned 4… and now his favorite number is 4. He is pretty much a turkey–stubborn as all get out and very opinionated. Qualities that will serve him well as he gets older. 

Last weekend we took some updated family photos… here are a few of Atticus. Logan actually snapped the first one while he was messing around with the camera.



I also made a quick little video interview. It’s not anything special– it was taken with no preparation on my phone, but I know that it will be cherished when he is older.