My sweet little baby is very quickly turning into a little boy. He’s talking SO much. His imaginative play is taking off. And he’s very, very opinionated, which pretty much comes with the territory. He is SO 2! He also has quite the sense of humor. He’s pretty much just a mess. All the time. In fact, Chris’ nickname for him is Animal. Our sweet Atti is always disheveled and pretty much lives with his hands down his pants and a paci in his mouth. It’s quite a sight. He and Logan are just now getting to the point where they are playing well together most of the time. They’ve started calling each other ‘best friend brothers’. It’s pretty much the sweetest thing in the whole world. He’s a little snuggler and gives the best hugs and kisses, too.

Right now, Atti’s favorite activity is probably eating. He is gearing up for another growth spurt (I think) and he eats non stop! His favorite foods are french fries and fruit. He can also put away the nuggets at Chick Fila. We typically go there once a week to meet our friends for a play date. I owe a blog post to how awesome Chick Fila is…

Atti-goose plays so much. He loves legos and cars. His ‘Team cot-wheels’ are a big favorite. He still has to carry a toy in each hand most of the time… usually that’s a car or 5 or some lego creation that he made. He also really likes riding his tricycle and balance bike… and chasing his brother through the house. He and Logan frequently build nests with their pillows and blankets and try to get Sarge to come lay with them.

He loves to watch shows. Right now his favorites are youtube videos where people play with playdoh. He calls it ‘Playdoh Game’. He also really likes PBS shows, playing games on the iPad, and snapchat with all of its crazy filters. He’s a little bit of a screen addict so it’s a hard balancing act. We don’t want to deprive him of the activities he enjoys (hell, he might grow up to be a video game designer, a famous youtuber (ha!!) or a videographer like his Daddy)… but we also want to make sure that he gets enough screen free time. It’s all about that balance… isn’t that pretty much life?

I attempted to interview Atticus for this blog. Here was our first take:


He’s so used to seeing himself when we video that he made me turn the screen around to selfie mode. Here’s the second take… interrupted by brother.


And then a few other videos and photos. We haven’t had time to do any fancy photos recently. You’ll find out why in a later post. BUT… here are some from my phone!



We love this sweet boy so much. It’s been so much fun watching his little (er, BIG) personality develop over the last few months. It’s going to be fun to see where he is in a few more. <3