I have been bitten by the baby fever bug yet again. I blame being around a super cute pregnant mom in our co-op… and an even cuter little baby who is in the nursery with Lorelei. Being around several Mom friends who have 4 and make it look so effortless probably isn’t helping either. Oh, and *my* baby has decided to have a huge growth spurt and isn’t acting quite like a baby any more. *sobs*

So, what started as just something for me to tease Chris with, has turned into serious conversations and possible plans.



It’s kinda funny, actually. Just a couple of months ago I was vehemently against even talking about any more kids. And here we are. 

I’ve talked about it with a few close friends just to gage their reactions. Sometimes bouncing my crazy off my Life Wife really helps me see just *how* crazy I am acting. Surprisingly enough, most of the people I have mentioned it to were not surprised and were 100% supportive. I’ve even had promises to love me through my hormones in case I go insane like I did when I was pregnant with Lorelei.

So, in thinking about all this and making plans (cause we all know I love to make plans!) I was thinking about documenting everything here, in the blog in real time. With the other kiddos, I kept a little weeklyish log but I usually didn’t make it visible on the blog until way later. Here’s Logan’s. And Atti’s.  And Lorelei’s. Since this potential pregnancy would very likely be my last, I want to remember every single little detail. And give myself a place to reminisce about my other pregnancies. 

Anyway, who knows what will happen. Maybe we will decide that Cuatro isn’t going to happen. Or maybe it isn’t in the cards for us to be able to get pregnant again. As cliche as it is… only time will tell.