Chris flew in early Friday morning. We were so happy to have Daddy back with us! We ate some lunch at the apartment and immediately threw him into the chaos of New York. 



Chris titled this photo, “Atti sees dead people”. Lorelei was having a hard time because it was nap time. She eventually fell asleep in the Ergo, thank goodness!



We took the train over to the Staten Island Ferry terminal. It’s free to ride the ferry out into the harbor and you get to see the Statue of Liberty and the New York skyline from a distance. Plus, the kids were super excited to ride on a ferry boat again!



Atticus exclaimed, “I can see her torch!”



We got off the ferry in Staten Island… and got right back on.



From the ferry terminal, we walked over to the Financial District to see the Stone Street Historic area. We walked by the Fraunces Tavern, which is claimed to be the oldest surviving building in Manhattan. It served as a headquarters for George Washington during the Revolutionary War! 



The cobble stone in this area is said to be the first paved street in New York. It was paved in 1658!




We continued our walked through the Financial District…



We walked down Wall Street and came across a statue of George Washington. It commemorates his inauguration as the first president of the US at Federal Hall



And we saw the New York Stock Exchange… Did you know that you can follow them on Pinterest? I’m still confused by this, haha.



From there, we stumbled upon the historic Trinity Church. 



Our last stop was the 911 Memorial which was beautiful and so incredibly sad.



Freedom Tower…




We headed back to the train. Some stops have amazing mosaics!




These kids have become quite the little train travelers.



On the way home, we stopped for burgers at Shake Shack. They were super tasty!