This post has been a long time coming. It’s been on my to do list for months. I’m not sure why I’ve been avoiding it. Maybe deep down I’m feeling sad that my tiny baby is getting so big. She’s not even really a baby anymore. And since we are kind of on the fence about Cuatro, really seeing how much bigger she has gotten in the last few months is just a reminder that she might be the last and that this season of our life is very quickly coming to an end. Ugh, just typing that made me super emotional.


Miss Lorelei turned a year and a half in September. She talks now pretty much all the time. She’s even talking around other people, which she didn’t used to do. I took a video of her a couple of months ago talking at the grocery store (she was naming fruits in the produce section) to prove that she actually can talk. She likes to name her body parts, sing Twinkle Twinkle, and say ‘tickle tickle’ when she’s about to get you. She yells for the dog “SAHGE!!!!” and talks to her brothers. Here’s a short little clip of her naming her body parts and chattering. Beware, we are a hot mess. We are in 100% hibernation mode because it’s so darn cold outside!



And here’s a random assortment of photos from the last couple of months. She likes to play dress up– putting on anything she can find. Including wearing my underwear around her body like a sash, haha.


She’s the queen of RBF. In fact, she’s often referred to as The Bitch Faced Baby. Which is so funny to me because at home she’s all cheese and smiles, but not when she’s around others.



I wake up a couple of hours before the kids each morning to have some quiet, alone time out in the sunroom. For a while, Lorelei was the first to wake up and would come in and get some snuggles. Lately, though, she’s been the last to wake up. I think she might be going through a growth spurt.



My favorite photo of her from this last co-op session. Playing with friends wore her out! 



Lately, her favorite friend has been Maddox. She talks about him all the time. <3



And last but not least, some photos from our family session we did about a month ago.


This sweet girl has a vice grip on my heart. And her little personality is so darn cute. If we do wind up with a Cuatro, it will be ALL her fault, haha.