Well, I missed Lorelei’s 5 month update because we were so busy with unpacking. By the time I remembered to do it, it was time to write the 6 month blog. Looking back, it’s been nearly 3 months since my last post. Holy crap the time has flown by! Moving was pretty much something that I never want to have to do again. Especially if small children are involved. Now that we are completely unpacked, let’s see if I can get my shit together and update more often! 😉

My baby, who is growing WAY too fast by the way, started crawling about a month ago. She was 5.5 months. She’s all over the place and into everything. This past week she started pulling up. She’s just so eager to run and chase the boys–it’s going to happen before I know it. Yesterday she clapped her hands for the first time (imitating me) and this very moment (as I’m typing) she said her first word. Literally. I just went and got her from her crib (nap time ended) and brought her to the computer to nurse away the waking up sads. She was finished and looked up at me. I gave an enthusiastic ‘hi!’ and she chirped ‘hi’ right back at me and then gave me one of her huge grins. I said ‘hi’ again… testing her this time. She grabbed my mouth and said it again. OMG. Stop. It’s always when I don’t have my camera near. Now that the cell phone is in my hand, she’s completely silent. Of course. Turkey.

Here are the photos we took a few days ago. While I know that I will appreciate them down the road, I can’t help but look at them and feel a bit sad. These photos are not my Lorelei. I mean, they are… but she was teething so hard that she wouldn’t give us one of her big gummy smiles. 🙁

They are still pretty cute, though…
