Week 2 was more of the same from week 1. Lorelei and I spent more time up and around the house. And we had a couple of family outings because I was starting to get a tad bit stir crazy. Our first outing was to Kid2Kid and Target. We got to use our MobyWrap for the first time…



We also made  plenty of time for laying around and pondering the meaning of life…



Logan is still obsessed with his little sister. Makes my heart so happy.




Atticus still doesn’t seem to care. He has more important things to do.



We also made more time for Daddy snuggles since I was able to get up and hang out with the boys more this week.



On Tuesday, we had a followup appointment with one of our fabulous midwives. This little chunk had gained over a pound in one week! At her 24 hr appt, she weighed 8lbs6oz (4oz less than birth… probably from the gallons of poop that came out of her) and at her one week appt, she weighed 9lbs7oz. Good grief! Looks like all the avocado that I’ve been craving (and eating) is chunking her up fast.



After our little shopping trip at Kid2Kid, we tried on our first “girlie” outfit, complete with a tiny bow. Holy crap. I can’t believe that we have a little girl.



We also worked on making faces…



And caught up on sleep after being up grunting all night. Toots are the worst.



Comparing baby’s milk belly with Momma’s postpartum belly. I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve looked in the mirror at that empty belly and started crying.



Annddd… Miranda came and took some photos for us. The family ones were pretty much a shit show (that’s how I’ve been referring to our family of 5)… mainly due to the boys not wanting to cooperate. Luckily, Miranda has the patience of a saint.



Sunday was Easter and we thought we weren’t going to get to do anything fun because Logan decided to come down with the cold that Atticus had last week. Luckily, he was feeling better by Sunday afternoon. We took so many photos we decided to make Easter it’s own post.