This year, we were able to spread our Christmas celebrations out over a couple of days. In years past, we would celebrate at our house in the morning, and then spend a couple of hours with Chris’ side of the family, and then drive an hour to my parents’ house to spend a couple of hours with them. Needless to say, Christmas Day has always been a very hectic, busy day. This year though, we had Christmas with Chris’ side of the family on Christmas Eve. It made the holiday so much more enjoyable for us!
Miss Lorelei brought her babies along… she has been obsessed with babies and puppies lately! Nana and Pop Pop got her lots of new toys for her babies for Christmas– like this cute little play pen.
Atticus had a few issues with sibling rivalry and jealousy. It was the first time that he really seemed to pay attention to the toys he received vs the toys Logan received. In this photo, he was mad that his first present to open was a jacket… and Logan opened a toy. We had to leave the room and have a talk about feeling jealous and showing gratitude…. which are hard concepts for a 4 year old! He was able to calm himself down and rejoin the family for Christmas, though. And he seemed to act more thankful for the other gifts he opened. Whew– that was an embarrassing moment for me!
Sweet Lorelei also got a tea set. She immediately wanted it opened and went right into tea party mode.
Speaking of tea parties, I got a tea kettle, which I am SUPER excited about! I’ve been drinking so much tea lately! I’m obsessed.
The boys got Pogo Sticks. I think they’re really going to have fun with these once they get the hang of them!
After Nana and Pop’s house, we came home and started our Christmas traditions. The kids open one present on Christmas Eve and it’s usually PJs. Some years I also do a movie or a book, but I was trying to keep things simple this year. I’m hoping to move towards our family doing less gifts. I would really like to try the 4 present tradition next year… we will see if I remember!
After PJs, we baked cookies for Santa.
And then we wrote our letters to Santa…
Logan put out some carrots for the reindeer.
We finished up the night playing with our toys from Nana and Pop Pop’s!