We continued our Christmas Eve tradition this year! The kids had so much fun making cookies for Santa with Daddy. And they looked pretty darn cute in their matching PJs too!




After we made cookies, the kids wrote letters and drew pictures to leave out with the cookies and milk.



This year, Chris and I woke up before the kids! We got to have a nice quiet morning drinking coffee and enjoying the Christmas tree and music before they woke up. It was magical! 


Logan was the first awake and then very quickly went in to wake up Atticus and Lorelei. The boys each got a video game and a Star Wars toy from Santa, and Lorelei got a baby doll and a fairy Play Mobil set. We are working on starting a more minimalist Christmas present tradition that I saw on Pinterest or something so they also received  ‘something you want, something you need, something to wear, something to read’ gifts. Then we gave everyone a family gift… we got a Nintendo Switch!! (I think Chris and I were just as excited for the Switch as the kids were!)