The boys decided that they wanted to start their own website dedicated to all the building that they’ve done recently. Seeing the perfect opportunity to get them involved in some project based learning, I encouraged them to come up with a name and take some photos to get a website started. I decided to make a section of our family blog dedicated to their new endeavor ‘Building Bros’. (They came up with that awesome name… i had nothing to do with it. And nearly died when they told me the name they chose.)
And now, here’s Logan (as dictated to me) to explain a little about his new idea…
“This is the Building Bros. I present everyone to look on this website because you will learn how to build new stuff. And then you could show your friends how to build. And tell them what website you used. You could have a great time building stuff from Building Bros! Because you gotta use this website to learn to build to show everyone to see how to build.”
Wow this is very impressive! Great team work and skills Building Bros!!! I can’t wait to see more things that you build!
This is the best video ever!!! We need more Building Bros videos ASAP!