We had Sarge euthanized today. He was 15 years old and had been having difficulty controlling his bowels for a while. Plus, he was in a lot of pain so the vet said that euthanizing him was the most compassionate thing we could do… even though it was super hard. To be brutally honest, I had been ready for a while. Being pregnant and having to clean up dog diarrhea on the daily was really starting to wear on me. And the thought of having to do that AND take care of a newborn was absolutely out of the question. It was time.
We gave him a bath so he would be nice and clean. He had stopped cleaning himself a while ago so he smelled bad most of the time, especially with the accidents he was having. After his bath, he ate some eggs, cheese, and sausage left over from breakfast. The kids gave him some love and told him goodbye. I don’t think they really understood what was going on. I know for sure Lorelei didn’t understand because she’s still asking when Sargey is going to come home from the doctor’s office.
It’s so strange being a petless home. Chris and I have had a pet together since the first year we were together…. little Allie. And then came Max, and then in 2004, we found Sarge. Well, Lauren found Sarge and brought him to us. I still remember being terrified that that giant Pitbull was going to eat my babies. He was such a gentle, loving boy. The only time I ever saw him aggressive was once when he was protecting me from a loose dog, and then of course the issues we had with Petey. But that was it. He was so good with the kids… even in his old age. He will definitely be missed. <3