It’s been so cold lately that when we saw the potential for warmer weather, we decided to load up the trailer and head south to Bastrop State Park. We haven’t had much outside time in the last month or so– like most Texans, my kids just don’t like it when it’s too cold! Our plan was to get everyone outside to get some sunshine on our skin and dirt on our feet– plus we fit in a little bit of schoolwork here and there. Bastrop State Park is a very interesting place to visit. In 2011, a forest fire destroyed around 90% of the park, so it was super cool to see how nature is rebuilding itself.
We got to the campsite around lunchtime. After we got set up and ate a bit for lunch, we hit the hiking trails.
There are dead, half burned trees everywhere–surrounded by baby trees working hard on growing up to replenish the forest.
We found a scorpion! This was the first one I’ve ever seen in the wild!
We got back to the trailer in time to watch the sunset and work on getting a campfire made. One of the kids’ favorite parts of camping is getting to cook their own hotdogs and marshmallows over the fire.